International Business
With years of experience in the business of recyclable raw materials, secondary scrap, and used metals we understand our role as the link between scrap producers and recyclers. Whether ferrous or non-ferrous, electronics, or niche scraps we secure the supply of materials for the production needs of our clients through our global network while guaranteeing the most ecologically friendly distribution channel for your scrap products, always in consideration of the constantly changing environmental regulations.

Regional Processing & Metal Disposal
Regional: We offer disposal solutions to our customers through our own metal processing as well as our metal and scrap disposal facility in the greater Hanover area. Among other things we sort fine and coarse alloys into industrially usable pure metals.
Through our own processing and direct sales to smelters and the industry, we ensure that the raw materials are returned to the economic cycle in a sustainable manner.
Business Areas
Countries and accepted materials

702 clients in 27 countries

Qualität und Sicherheit auf höchstem Niveau
Die DRH unterzieht sich regelmäßigen internen Kontrollen, um sowohl Arbeitssicherheit als auch Produktqualität sicherzustellen.
Darüber hinaus sind wir ein zertifizierter Entsorgungsfachbetrieb.